I am an Assistant Professor in the College of Computer Science at National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). I teach CS-related courses and conduct research in the field, striving not to be swept away by the fast-paced tech revolution. I have broad research interests in software systems. To be more specific, my goal is to build reliable and efficient software systems by combining traditional methods and intelligent approaches.

Research Interests

Academic Career

  • Assistant Professor, College of Computer Science, NUDT, 2023-Now

  • Ph.D., College of Computer Science, NUDT, 2017-2023
    Advisor: Xiangke Liao and Shanshan Li

  • Visiting Student (CSC Sholarship), Department of Computer Science, UIUC, 2019-2020
    Advisor: Tianyin Xu

  • Bachelor, College of Computer Science, NUDT, 2013-2017


  • Our works on configuration understanding won APSEC'24 Distinguish Paper Award

  • Chaopeng and Yifan have successfully completed their master’s degrees

  • OBFUSEVAL is accepted to ICSE'25 (second cycle)

  • Thanos is accepted to ICSE'25 (first cycle)